Heuristic Analysis

For my game_agent, I tested 3 heuristics listed below. Each heuristic assumes I am Player 1.

  • Aggressive: This heuristic chooses moves for Player 1 that tries to reduce the number of moves available to Player 2 by favoring limiting moves with a constant multiplier
  • Defensive: This heuristic chooses the moves that have the best chance to increase the number of plays available to Player 1 by the same multiplier
  • 'Close to you': This heuristic combines aggression with proximity by penalizing moves by how far they are to the opponent. It has the effect of creeping closer to Player 2.


Each agent was run 5 times in a row, and the results averaged out over the 5 runs.

  • Aggressive ( Modifier 1.5 ): ID_Improved: 78.29%
  • Very Aggressive ( Modifier 4 ): ID_Improved: 71.62%
  • Defensive ( Modifier 1.5 ): ID_Improved: 77.42%
  • Very Defensive ( Modifier 4 ): ID_Improved: 72.81%
  • Close to you: ID_Improved: 77.856%

Highest average Score: 77.29%, from the Aggressive agent.

In [1]:
import qgrid
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 
scores = { 
    'ID_Improved': [ 68.56, 80.71, 71.43, 79.29, 77.14 ], 
    'custom_score_close_to_you': [ 80.0, 78.57, 78.57, 85 , 67.14 ] , 
          'custom_score_defensive' : [ 79.29, 72.86, 85.71, 78.57,  70.71 ],
          'custom_score_aggressive': [78.57,78.57,77.14, 77.86, 79.29] }
df = pd.DataFrame(scores)
avgs = df.transpose()
avgs.columns = ['Run 1','Run 2','Run 3','Run 4','Run 5' ]
avgs['Average'] = avgs.mean(numeric_only = True, axis=1)
Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5 Average
ID_Improved 68.56 80.71 71.43 79.29 77.14 75.426
custom_score_aggressive 78.57 78.57 77.14 77.86 79.29 78.286
custom_score_close_to_you 80.00 78.57 78.57 85.00 67.14 77.856
custom_score_defensive 79.29 72.86 85.71 78.57 70.71 77.428

I also tried a few other things, such as weighting the SCORE of each move with the DEPTH that it found it at, so a depth of 3 would increase the score by the constant 3 ( score = score * depth ). This didn't hurt performance, but it did not help either. I tried variations on this, adding a simple + DEPTH instead of multiplication, as well as exponential depth. Also tried was randomly selecting one of the above heuristics, which gave a score of 59.52%.

Final Result

As you can see the Aggressive agent won by a hair, but all 3 were very close. The highest single score of any match came from our custom close_to_you heuristic, as well as our lowest single score.

For choosing the final agent to play, I concluded that the Aggressive agent was the best because:

  • Consistent behavior. Throughout the tests ( and more not shown above ) the aggressive agent scored consistently high with very few valleys.
  • Most reliable. When comparing agents, the Aggressive agent scored consistently high against all of the test suites, compared to some that only did well against the MM suite of tests.
  • Highest win percentage. The aggressive agent scored the highest win percentage for this set of runs, as well as the many runs during testing not shown here.

Beating the ID_Improved score proved very difficult and it took many tries and heuristics to get an agent to come close and finally beat it out by a hair. All my heuristics are 'lightweight', trying to maximize the depth of the search rather than get the perfect move for each level.